"Investing in education today is the substance of future wealth."
- Deborah Birmingham, M.Ed., M.A.
- Deborah Birmingham, M.Ed., M.A.
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Math with EEEs, Inc. 2023 STEM Scholarship Dinner
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Math with EEEs, Inc. STEM Scholarship Program
Congratulations 2023 Graduates!
Morgan Diamond Myers, MPH
Masters of Public Health, University of Missouri-Columbia Summa Cum Laude I’ve thought long and hard about telling my story. My experience in graduate school was a time of grief and growth for me. Between grieving the loss of my dad and grandma, enduring a pandemic, missing friends who moved away, and navigating my self love journey, it’s safe to say I’ve been through a lot. Although my story didn’t stop there. I made new friends, networked with peers in my field, secured a new job and internship, served as a mentor and advocate for my students, and overall learned more about myself and the strength I possess. There were so many times when I wanted to quit. So many times when I just wanted room to breathe between all of my responsibilities. So many times I felt lost and overwhelmed. So many times I thought I couldn’t do it. But guess what? I did! I worked so hard for this Masters Degree and the journey pushed me into becoming an even better version of myself. Joshua 1:9 states “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." Even when I couldn’t see my purpose, God never let go of me, instead he held me closer. So this degree is more than paper to me. It’s a hard earned achievement and I couldn’t be more proud of myself. This one is for Diamond. |
Denae Galloway
Purdue University, Engineering Scholarship Sponsor (2019): Melody Birmingham I would use this scholarship to help myself inspire others to pursue their dreams, especially in STEM areas. I am where I am because of the great people and resources and I believe that everyone deserves that. It is very unfortunate that people with such potential will never get to seek what they are truly passionate about simply because of where they come from, and others were born into a world of endless possibilities. The possibilities should be endless for all, no matter their background. This scholarship and resources will open up even more opportunities that I wouldn’t have access to on my own. These opportunities are going to put me one step closer to reaching my goals. Devine Myers
Northern Illinois University, Computer Graphic Design 2018 Scholarship Recipient I am writing this letter to Ms. Birmingham to express my sincere gratitude for all the guidance and support she has provided me throughout our relationship. Her mentorship has not only helped me grow professionally, but also personally. Her positive attitude, kindness, and empathy have been a source of inspiration for me. I aspire to be as effective a mentor as she is,, and I hope to pay forward the valuable lessons I have learned from her. |
Congratulations 2022 Graduates!
Vontrice Bobo
University of Illinois, Urbana- Champaign Technical Systems Mgmt & Agricultural & Biological Engineering Melody Birmingham Scholarship Fund Recipient 2021-2022 In my final semester of college, I experienced a number of things that shaped me to be the woman and student I am today. In the beginning of the semester, I felt a lack of motivation, I was very stagnant in getting things done, and I felt like I was at my breaking point academically. It took me a while to really get focused and I could tell I was burnt out because my excitement deteriorated and I felt a lot more stressed about getting tasks completed. That did not halt me, in fact it pushed me to find more solutions that would work for me. I sought membership in organizations such as the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) and Illini Emerging Leaders, as well as several service organizations to focus on giving back and creating relationships outside of my daily communication. I also started to look for more educational opportunities outside of my curriculum to shift the dynamic from studying and school to more interest driven focal points. Though there were several challenges I faced, it provided me with the motivation I needed in finishing strong and reaching the goal of getting my degree. From the long nights of studying to attending office hours, I show gratitude and appreciation for my college experience and now my Bachelors of Science. As a recent May 2022 grad, I am currently focused on gaining experience and expertise within the Project Management field. I am currently obtaining a certificate in Project Management through Louisiana State University's Continuing Education program, as well as obtaining the Google IT Professional Certificate through Pathstream. Joshua Hines
Morehouse College, Morehouse School of Medicine Mark Myers Memorial Medical Scholarship Recipient 2022 -2023 Scholarship Sponsor: James Wheeler Sr. Transitioning from an undergraduate to a graduate education amidst a pandemic has truly been an experience like no other, however, I am beyond grateful to have the opportunity to further my education prior to attending medical school. Shifting environments from Virginia to Pennsylvania, and adjusting from fully in-person classes to completely virtual classes was rough initially, but with time comes experience, and ultimately I was able to adapt to my new physical and learning environment after about a month in my program. One thing I must say about my experience this fall is that I genuinely enjoyed my curriculum, and actually looked forward to the information I was learning. |
LaMya Webster
Northern Illinois University Nursing Melody Birmingham Scholarship Fund Recipient 2021-2022 Thank you again for all of your love, support, and prayers throughout my college years. Every year I received support from Math with EEEs and it has meant so much to me. My Future plans include passing my NCLEX this summer and working as a registered nurse on the labor and delivery unit. Jordan Lawton
Morehouse College Dual Degree Engineering Melody Birmingham Scholarship Fund Recipient 2021-2022 This school year quite frankly was really one for the books for me, as far as accomplishments and memories made along the way. Since August, not only have I been maintaining a GPA of 3.7 or above, but I also got actively involved in many organizations on my HBCU campus. I joined the E-board for the NSBE chapter at my school and I became the Morehouse Senator for the 2021-2022 school year, in which I got the chance to help plan events for our chapter that year, in addition to getting the opportunity to travel to Anaheim, California for the 48th Annual NSBE convention/conference. It was my first convention as an E-board member and as a member in general. I also got the opportunity to serve in a leadership capacity where I worked for the Morehouse College Office of Institutional Advancement as a Student Engagement Officer Supervisor. In this role I mentored students, who were also student engagement officers, on reaching out to alumni every week via phone, email, or text message. This also gave me the opportunity to teach a little bit about the importance of philanthropy and to get my name out into the alumni network. In addition to those two organizations, I also got heavily involved in community service by joining AUC P.U.S.H project, a student-led community service group that is run by other AUC students here on Morehouse, Spelman, and Clark Atlanta's campus. Lastly, I got the chance to visit engineering schools throughout the year like the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, and Missouri University of Science and Technology. With that, I am proud to say that I was graciously accepted into the University of Michigan's Mechanical Engineering program, and will be there in the fall to finish the requirements of my 3+2 program. I am also looking forward to participating in a research internship at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) this summer starting in June. I finished my last year at Morehouse with all A's and 2 B's along with a 3.76 GPA. In having to do all this within my junior year, I would say the biggest challenge for me was really managing how I could juggle so many different activities at once. However, I am happy to say that I was able to effectively manage everything and still be able to maintain phenomenal grades in my classes at the same time. I cannot wait to see what the next chapter of my journey will hold. |
Congratulations Math with EEEs, Inc. Scholarship Recipients!
Erin Snoddy
Swarthmore College - 2021 Astrophysics and minors in Biology and English Literature Mark Myers Memorial Medical Scholarship Recipient 2021-2022 In the Fall, I will be entering a PhD program in Medical Physics at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center/UTHealth Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences in Houston, TX. I was also named a 2021 Jack Kent Cooke Graduate Scholar where I will receive up to $75,000 to fund my graduate school education. Finally, this is a little less recent, but I was also listed as a co-author on an astronomy paper detailing the findings of two Saturn-mass planets. This paper was published in the Astronomical Journal back in February. Vontrice Bobo
University of Illinois, Urbana- Champaign Technical Systems Mgmt & Agricultural & Biological Engineering Melody Birmingham Scholarship Fund Recipient 2021-2022 This semester was probably one of the hardest for me due to being online and having a number of health complications. This semester also showed me that I am capable of whatever I put my mind to and only I can make it worse or better for myself. I did not accomplish much academically this semester, but I did learn alot about myself and how to cope with stress or when things do not go by way and I feel like that is a stepping stone towards positivity. Though I did not accomplish much academically in Spring of 2021, I started to teach myself coding and by the beginning of next semester, I will have an established portfolio with all of my coding certificates and accomplishments. I will also have a virtual internship related to IT work and a study abroad opportunity in May of 2022 that allows me to teach English to international students. I have a lot planned for my future and I want to give a big thank you to Ms.Birmingham and her Math With EEEs team for sticking with me, providing me with yearly scholarships, and recognizing me and all of my accomplishments. This program is one of the reasons why I push forward and want to better myself everyday. |
Joshua Hines
Virginia State University University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine Mark Myers Memorial Medical Scholarship Recipient 2021 -2022 Transitioning from an undergraduate to a graduate education amidst a pandemic has truly been an experience like no other, however, I am beyond grateful to have the opportunity to further my education prior to attending medical school. Shifting environments from Virginia to Pennsylvania, and adjusting from fully in-person classes to completely virtual classes was rough initially, but with time comes experience, and ultimately I was able to adapt to my new physical and learning environment after about a month in my program. One thing I must say about my experience this fall is that I genuinely enjoyed my curriculum, and actually looked forward to the information I was learning. As a biology undergraduate, there was a good amount of classes that were required because of the curriculum, but a lot of these science classes were broad in their topics, and not specifically catered to the medical and public health aspect of science(my main focus and passion). Aside from enjoying my learning experience, I was able to make some friends in my cohort as well and although I’ve only went out twice because of COVID restrictions, my favorite memory this semester had to be exploring the city of Pittsburgh bike riding with a few of my peers. I am ecstatic to say that I finished the semester with a 4.0, and cannot wait to see what I achieve this spring semester. The First piece of advice I ALWAYS give incoming freshmen regardless of their major, school, etc is to remember why you are at that institution/University, TO GET YOUR EDUCATION. This first piece is essential, and without following this, you are hindering your future whether you are aware or not. My next piece of advice is do or try something that’s outside your comfort zone. One thing about College is that it’s nothing but open doors and opportunities, HOWEVER, sometimes you might have to step outside your comfort zone to fully engage in the resources and opportunities offered. For example, in High school I NEVER thought or was interested in anything along the lines of student council or student government. During my sophomore year of college, one of my friends suggested I get involved with student government, and I respectfully told her I wasn’t interested. We negotiated, and I said I would at least try it, and fast forward two years later, I was the student government president for my entire University. “Don’t knock it til you try it.” My next piece of advice is “Go to your teacher’s office hours”. I place this in quotations because I cannot count the amount of times upperclassmen and my mentors have told me this, and I disregarded it. Imagine you are borderline between two letter grades, the relationships you form with your professors can easily be the difference between them curving that 88 to a 90. Lastly, enjoy and embrace EVERY memory and EVERY moment you experience in college because you will NEVER get those 4 years back. |
Nia’Mya Madison
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Agricultural, Consumer & Environmental Science Maggie Lee Birmingham Memorial Scholarship Recipient 2021-2022 IGNITE Program - I went to weekly meetings as well as assisted someone in the Doctorate program with the quantifications of mice. ILLINI Business Talk - I went to weekly meetings and worked my way up to being a Silver Member by participating a lot. We discussed current events going on in the world in regards to business and finances. My first semester of college was definitely not what I would have imagined a year ago. Although we’re in a pandemic, I still managed to partake in campus activities (the majority being virtual). A few things I accomplished this past semester was partaking in a Food Science Lab works study position, where I studied the quantification of mice. I also became the Treasurer of one of the Black Student Unions on campus, as well as the Public Relations Manager for my Hall Council. Being involved in these activities allowed me to feel more connected to campus, because aside from this(and studying and doing work of course) there wasn’t much to do. These activities were interesting and fun, and I was also able to learn a lot with doing them. If I could give some college bound students some advice I’d say that college is what you make it! To a certain extinct, you have the flexibility to truly make it what you want it, so use this to your advantage. If some things don’t go right, it’s okay to try again, and ask for help, this is something that is new for any one who’s just starting out, so try to make the best of it! Jordan Lawton
Morehouse College Dual Degree Engineering Melody Birmingham Scholarship Fund Recipient 2021-2022 As always, thank you so much for everything that you and Math with EEEs has done to help further my collegiate educational journey. This past semester really taught me the importance of making the best out of a bad situation. Despite having to deal with the stress of online classes, along with the world in chaos because of COVID, I realized that the only way for me to perform my best work was to persist, and think about how beneficial the end result would be once I finished. I also didn’t lose sight of my schoolwork and other responsibilities because I would always write things down in a planner, calendar, or schedule my days ahead of time. Going into your first semester of college or any semester with this type of mindset and attitude will keep you mentally stable, and help you to progress through the semester a lot smoother than others around you. It also helps to get a lot of rest whenever you can, and to prioritize your work accordingly with your rest. Joseph Henry
The Ohio State University - 2021 Business Administration, Cum Laude honors & Human Resources specialization I have successfully graduated from THE Ohio State University with Cum Laude honors and a degree is Business Administration with a Human Resources specialization. I will be moving out to Seattle for my post-graduate opportunity with Microsoft Talent Acquisition! Thank you and everyone working behind the scene at Math with EEEs, you all have been integral to the success I found through my college journey and I wouldn't be where I am without my village. Kiara Hayes
Ball State University -2021 Accounting I established and served as president of Ball State's National Association of Black Accountants student chapter. I was also a member of BSU’s NAACP and BSA chapter. Alexis Sanders
Hampton University - 2021 Psychology I just completed my Bachelors of Arts in Psychology with a 3.58 GPA in December 2020. Starting this summer, I will be attending New York University’s Masters in Mental Health Wellness Counseling program online. I am so grateful for the support and thankful for you all for contributing to this journey! |
Denae Asanti Galloway
Purdue University Electrical Engineering & Organizational Leadership Melody Birmingham Scholarship Fund Recipient 2021-2022 The academics were difficult but I enjoyed it. I got involved in the National Society of Black Engineers and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. This semester was very challenging for everyone. Between trying to keep ourselves and others safe from the virus and juggling difficult online courses. With basically everything being virtual, there were many situations where I had to step outside of my comfort zone and adjust to a new way of doing things. Overall, I ended the semester feeling fairly happy with the outcome considering all of the changes that took place. Advice that I would give a freshman is always be open to change and even though it is more difficult online, try your best to reach out to new people and make friends in your classes because it will pay off in the end. LaMya Webster
Northern Illinois University Nursing Melody Birmingham Scholarship Fund Recipient 2021-2022 I am still a nursing major with a minor in nutrition. I will be graduating in May of 2022. On campus I am involved in E.B.O.N.Y. Women (a community service and sisterhood organization), Student Nurses Organization, and John Henrik Clarke Honor Society. I am a part of the university's honors program and I have made the Dean's List 4 semesters. This summer I'll be working at Northwestern Medicine Kishwaukee Hospital on the medical/surgical unit as a CNA. Thank you for your continuous support and for always following up. Justin Abrams
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Melody Birmingham Scholarship Fund Recipient 2021-2022 Overall, this past semester has been the toughest one I have had so far as my time as a college student. This is for multiple reasons such as: lack of motivation due to online learning, a change in break days by the school itself, and hard classes not having the correct learning format for me. However, despite these troubles I still found some success this semester. I became a member of the National Society of Leadership and Success, I passed the semester with the hard classes I had, and I have made good progress on getting an internship in the future. Some things I have learned from this past semester are that my learning style does not fit with online learning at all and that having physical activity helps my motivation a lot. By physical activity I mean anything from walking to biking to table tennis to swimming etc. I also found out how much I miss socializing with others. I am looking forward to next semester because most of my classes will be in person. Furthermore, I will reach out to professors for research opportunities and internships. I will attend another engineering career fair as well. Morgan Myers
University of Missouri-Columbia Health Science University of Missouri-Columbia- Masters in Public Health Morgan Myers graduated Cum Laude from the University of Missouri-Columbia (Mizzou) in May 2020 with her Bachelors of Health Science with an Emphasis in Health & Wellness. She is currently pursuing a Masters in Public Health from Mizzou with an Emphasis on Health Promotion & Policy. Morgan is also working full-time for the University in the Department of Residential Life, specifically working in Administrative Operations. During her down time, Morgan enjoys being the Lead Volunteer for a program called Tigers Connect. This is a new program which is based within one of the surrounding Family Hospitals and aims to provide support for low-income children and families. The program focuses on forming connections with patients, identifying their needs such as housing or food insecurity, transportation, etc., and providing resources to assist them with those needs. The program aims to support families with weekly follow-ups for about 3-4 weeks depending on their needs, to ensure the resources are helpful and to see what else the family may need. Morgan is currently exploring her career options but has a strong interest in being a Public Health Nurse or Public Health Administrator. Overall she wants to focus on supporting the community by implementing better health policies and work with local restaurants and businesses to encourage healthier habits and decisions. Morgan is looking forward to bringing her skills and experience back towards the Chicagoland area soon! |
Congratulations 2020 STEM Scholarship
Recipients & Graduates!
Math with EEEs, Inc. STEM Scholarship
Math with EEEs, Inc. 2020 Winter Chew & Chat
Math with EEEs, Inc. 2019 STEM Scholarship Dinner
Math with EEEs, Inc. 2017 STEM Scholarship Dinner Recap
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